Welcome to Poco Farm Road Church!
We’re a community whose identity comes from collectively being followers of Jesus. We’d love to meet you and for you to come be a part of what God is doing.

What to Expect
When you visit PFRC, our hope is that you’ll experience the community that comes from being a family of followers of Jesus.
9:00 AM – Foundations Sunday School
Our Sunday school hour is called Foundations. We meet at 9:00 AM and have a nursery and classes available for kindergarten through adult ages.
10:15 AM – Worship Service
Our Sunday morning worship service is warm and friendly with joyful singing and encouraging, challenging messages from the Bible. The music includes both traditional hymns and contemporary worship music, led by our worship team.
Children’s Foundations classes include a nursery for infants through Pre-K. Kindergarten through 5th grade meet in our Sunday School classroom and hear a lesson from the Bible.
During the worship service, the nursery is available from the start of the service. Children in grades K-2 will be dismissed after the first two songs at the start of the message for Children’s Church.
All children’s ministry volunteers are required to provide background checks to the church before serving in the children’s ministry.
Parking is available in either of two lots. Our lower parking lot is available when you first turn onto the property. After parking, take the stairs up to our main entrance.
If mobility is a concern for you, follow the bend up the hill for our upper lot to access spaces closer to the entrance.
6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting – Zoom
Prayer meeting occurs on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Contact the church office at office@pocofarmroadchurch.org for information about how to join.